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Hack De Metin 2.rar: How to Download and Use the Best Cheat for Metin2

Writer's picture: srijiwemincoocanthsrijiwemincoocanth

i iSI8 THE E WASHINGTON WAS HI N GT 0 N HEEALD HE A L D SUNDAY SUN DAY OCTOBER 00 T 0 B E R 28 28J 1900 4 CItERR KRRBRllNS RUNS 90 YARDS YARDSeores ARDS ARDSSOCSScores eores Georgetowns Only OnlyPoints jl in1yPO1fltU11t J JP0Points P0 PO1fltU11t 11t Against A st W W f Li LiVISITORS L LVISITORS ILVISITORSVISITORS FAIL TO KIOK GQAB GQABexington GQA GQAI GQALLYJngjolexington I dnt Beovcn 151 oven Recovers Recov r Halt Uallon Uallonyarl on onJyard onyariIJyard yarl Line and Shoves It AcroNit AcroNitbut Acral Acralbut crONI crONIbutbut aliases Opportunity to Tic TicScore TIceorcnot1SSQU TicScorc1iodgonsScore eorcnot1SSQU Hodgsona Long Punt Puntlll n Give GiveOeorprctovTM Ghcror GIe6torc1ownOeorprctovTM ror ctown n Biff Advantage AdvantageIOOTBiVLi1jJjCOlltt2 tdantzicFOOTBLICOiti dautnfcJOoTBIOOTBiVLi1jJjCOlltt2 IOOTBiVLi1jJjCOlltt2Gfcorgttown JOoTB FOOTBLICOitiho1WWn I s CO nss nssGtol1lLOWn >Gfcorgttown G i WasWngton W and aLIe aLIeGrg J r rGoorg ee a aGcorgGcorg Washington Wa IDgton S Wester Wtfli17 Wtfli171ant V JMary JMarylund try trylnplund lnp F FyrhKeton 1 1V >yrhKeton V etl1 14 Cornell C rneH 5 5Xavy 5ln7 i ityXavy ln7 ty 0 I Buokn BU r4ueknH Dartmouth r 0 WIHianis WtUIarnYIe t tVale t tyVale y 12 1 Amherst Amherst 0 0f Oindian Uindiaf indian india 24 4 Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaiiai Pt t J Jbrvurdiiai l brvurd nurtl urd 5 West WestPotnt Point t tT 1 1hetilh T hetilh eblC high h 33 Franklin andM and andMtY1 lf rfJBi e eJohns et 9q> t Johns JOhnMl John 1 GalUmdet11 GalUmdet11iJafayettc GaUaudetl11Iaf1 GaflaudetlilLf3yettuiJafayettc Iaf1 ett 17 Colgate ColgateSwarthmore Co1atewarthmore t twarthmorewarthmore 1S 1 Ib Gettysburg Getty b rC 4 4Hte 0tev 4tevensHte tev tevens vcns n 6 New York YorkUnlversfl7 University 0 0Haverford 6JIaverford 0ilaverfordHaverford 23 3 Ursinus 17 17Kentucky 17Kentucky 171eKentucky 1e tueky State College Collt K i Kentucky KentuckyMilitary KveQIjtar WuekyMiIitryMilitary Ijtar Institute In4 itut 11 11Virginia U UVirginia UloonlaVirginia 12 1 Wcbwond t tNebraska IP 6 6II P T 0 Notth Nob Caroline CarolineebfJ 9 9ebrkaNebraska ebfJ Georgetown rgelo1n disposed of D the theWashington strong strongWashington stiim stiimVaslilngtouWashington and ndLe Le team yesterday y r rI liy liyto bytoI > to t i in the most mOst stubbornly stubboralJfeasbt stubboralJfeasbt1n1 fought foughtiime l u5tst u5tst1niiime 1n1 ol the season f1L8 at Georgetown Georseto 1t lf Field FieldThe FlekIT eIcJ eIcJTheThe T contest offered o f comparing the relative strength of ofVirginia ofYirgID ofFF Virginia YirgID irin and Georgetown GeOrgetowu and this thl sen senI1 I to t t draw an unusually large crowd crowdiwo crowdTo crowdToTo week ago Virginia played yed a tie tieaine u u1I teaflleaine 1I with alL the Ivorth orth Carottita arofti a A and M Mt > L LoUeget oUege o ind i id a short time libels 3 l s tiad ti t ii1 Washington and Lee 1 1 to to of ofI 1corgt4own I IJeorgt h > v Kerr in the most spectacular indi individual ludt ludtqal ndt ndtldtial vidual qal play rlit of f tire th game Catching Cateht a a punt punton panton puntonon the Blue and Grays 3 Iyard yard line lineK 11 11I lhteFrrI Frr K > rr shook hook off the tb two Virginia Vk Vknd end endnJ en au tr cre r down th nine i9a opTonfnts 4ind ud planted the ball balls MaJtslluarh ballitateJys tWEeI1 the nost JPM osa A naoment naomentiiteir moeaeJlttter iaomeniteEiiteir tter Cjpt Jp pt Bocock kfced the goal t that thatie thateie 1 e C fr4rgetn o etj > tm the t winning point pointVuwMt tiu PotatFninbiaVuwMt iu il Prove Pfon Coatly Coatlyv Co CO4ti CO4tifumble ti tiflunltleonv fumble flunltleon on the 35yard flue of ofviyjl oftheviyjl 11 the vtoltors It their tb ireIpce chance tQ get getilivft et etiilivft 1 i dt fl tMicbdown ucbdown Washington and Lee Leeu Leettnr Leejrdu ward a for W it yards antt 2fl Qe A first down tried triedgwl triedgK1 triedfogwl gK1 J frona fo om the field eId The 11MD ball fell f n a auiiple aolollple atiipleuiiple of ywrds short and bounded onto ontoniir OIItO1airgnund ontolairlair 1airgnund grtimd In 0 the the acranable en > a a Virginian VirginianIM 1ratRlan1rt1rt i IM ut 1t bis bloppunit opponent t to toit It and Ml on the theTUjskin the1lb theginTUjskin 1lb gin jn on U the ayaM yard arc line Three line linesmashes lineI1 fluefl1ilesmashes I1 fl1ile 6hfs carried i the ova1 ov ova 1 across the final ftna111k finalLIk ftnalsiilksiilk LIk lirv 11 but the Lexington 14exInt R n elevens a op opiortuaity op opJrtu1itiortuaity 1 rt1dty to t tie the score was wa lost when whenMoornui whenMOOtULiMoornui 10 fmu u missed goal goaltoth foaLf 1 1ttoth t ot oth jeams as pnc u a strong defense and andMrrty andrtl and1yMrrty rtl 1y ajtr itt tt tn 1M bogtanlng bogthnIa n of play when whenw whenWI> w WI V ib t Nten En that consistent n81steflt nt rains were w out outh outh Outuetlch nI I P 354OC superior 8U r kick kickrp kickgrp 1 g of Hodgsoa H Georgetown O WftIDfJd gained on oniriy onnyiriy 1 rl ny every exchange nCmD but was wi ufwalty ufwaltyh usnaflybefore ally ally1Hh 1H M J before getttaig wtthfti scoring sxr4n din dteprce dia dintogetuwnprce prceorgetown 1 Ct CttQgorgetown tQg a suffered coasMeraWr COIt hl ra be beiu be beIIJ7 iu I U of f penalties deL In the first half Boyle Boyleiirdli Boylerdl Boyleurdkdiirdli rdl 1 ani aWt at Heferee IlefereeU Oa wt t the Blue BlueG BlueG BlueOrG Or rv y l e fifteen yards > anJnd d a ashurt ashurtflrii ehort Olt1fJrf ehortimifrimifr flrii later the home team tf m suffered M eM the tpem t themi e emm mi distance rl tallce for holding oldjn Several times timesigTown timenII > igTown 1 on paid tiic UI I >Ivurr Ii rr Scorc ToncJidoivn ToncJidoivnii lodgson Jr > kicked kick off at the beginning be3inn and andi anderi or r fafittg c to gain Washington W86b1D and Lee Leei Leelimt Leeintdi limt mted Then Then followed a series w of kicks kicksntil kldlatil klecatintil til ti finally Kerr ptb gathered red in b the bail ballir3etowa on onorgetowns onrOTAlly ly the whotc b knsth o of the geld eW for a aT aiIChdown achdownT iIChdown > Khdown Bocock k kicked goal goalletter goaLfltter l lTJottletter TJott r punting puntln T init f riL d advantage f1dvan and andafumbleos a fumble on the 35 35ard S SIr1 S1r11ard tine wasYeccAered ircconred by Boyle Ie George Georget Oeorewn eorse eorsent > wn n worked tbe forward pass ps for forris S Spls iwlspls but ws W 8 forced to surrender Ielllller the theIi il on down = i Time Ttwaa was called call d withvthe withvthehn wiUl wtththeb tJte tJtehhn h II in the tit Dosecssion of Or Washington wuhict and andi andji on n her ner COyard yard line Ihicaslihigton 1 1ashtn lineashtiteaslihigton ashtn te and nd Lees only b touchdown touchdowniuio tOucla toj 4owniuio 1 n bortly after1 aft r the opening eII of the sec secriJ if c cJ011 riJ J half The visitors siteNllt minted from their theiri tMb3ru theiryardi yard 3ru Unet lInetu line to Miller an the Svard S U1I line Nneut H eIt lineutut It tlj thc way wa fnoqi him and nd a Virginian Y lan pooncea poonceanto POUIICeGntf ponacegritcnto iu iuTwo iLT it itrwTwo T rw T ihmgei ungei through center l bysMoor bysMoorin byooriI by Moor MoorniI in n m iiitted tted ficst fi t down bat Georgetowns GeorgetownsretbsHI GtoqfetM GeorgetownjTttt1Sd1 retbsHI retb to be oaabed farther rt r toward towards towardgolIts s goil line linei lineIni m tr thc > > 1 1pr4 yard 4r h JiDe l > e aD an attempt at goal goalin CJa CJa1Itin t D DTcmit > jC i mc eiit ll failed fa h4 However Dow Dowvinjtf Dowi Dowt1tvinjtf i tr rV l 1Oft ft end d was first on the ball balli ballWti 1 vtt Wt t 11 vi 1 it was Washington WA8ht on and Lees ball ballGeorgetowns baUJ balltjcorJ Georgetowns teo1 tjcor rtlns 5varfl line Un Three TD center centeriiusgtri Cf centerMiTtge ter terjiHHgciiusgtri MiTtge vorkfti rktj it n eoan roc JOI58 for the touch touchvii touch4wfl4wfl A diflkiiU ljm 111t goal waS wdmb wg missed IRdF1ip mliedlavin missedKUnnip2KUnnip2 lavin tie kickoff Georgetown own at atijpted atupte atpteiJv va as Uook W1kM i Bttt ButOller Miller saved the home homeim hoMeI homeInim I In by fal fajiag fajiagztrU famngan the baU on QIttbe QIttbeartl the 3 3yurdyurd of f the t fWd when wheDUme time was called calledliiieor caIWI calledliup an PtaskiqB PEkit Wail at atc and 1M 1Mr Leeleftc left cad tndIr I 118 t = Jaft tackte tacktewn tsIeII au OtkranJStt gmsd gmsdnhtwn right gafttd JMrlsca JMrlscaMorten DIvim DIvimIortcnMorten Hta tt rtiil6bt ttcht tadtte OtMant OtMantKon ObOemrKon = right r eMJadnoaJlfla 14ii 14iii as asixiHji ixiHj qoancr liack C Itatocy Itatocy1m DnkylfHou IIlinJdt 1m left half lf f hMfc 1M4ru b T l eyI illd er right half iMdu bmct bmctTJu MM Street StreetJKf1 TIht TJu JKf foil back backTu backaa4 Joanjka JoanjkarTu r afMrvnsKcrT awl a Moonoan oonuu bal aat mjMt mjMtw fraeBecoct eBecoc w Bococ IteftrwJ I A t Gaat GaII Ga I I1rjT Iil IilnTilL ahig ahigtirelL1rjT tirelL H Y LrMat j43 TtecrW TlmM J JllninanMr ThMher ThMherJ111 J HnvnanMr IInt manrr Wefterrdt WmeJtIt Ttaac T1can4 f hatrca hatrcaitjavitjav It k an4 twenty mteuu mteuulinrlmoutli 1IIial 1IIialIJn siiawoDortinouthlinrlmoutli IJn tfJnollth 0 William VI lnnue n nsprinKicld orlr 0prIrge11lsprinKicld rlr kT l Mass a58 Oc Oct iDartmouth J7 DarUnoulh DarUnoulhid DartrnoutltJWi11iarnsid JWi11iarns Wiliams iIJbrns tnt tn t today toda and after att r bat batling batlu8ling 1 through two halvc weep W > scor cort n rach acb ether r The Tb ball was wasi wa wanhdi > nhd he first lialf without trouble on the thevurt theqrt the7lrtvurt qrt of ither side 4id In the second half hulfi htiJfIfft1t halfcItltci lather cItltc tlov Jwn n was 1 ablr to gain pJ 1 any an on on3riehlgni onh onh onMielilganh r rJlichlgml3riehlgni iSj 8 Illinois 11I1Jl0 N I IAnn n nnn InnAnn nn Arbor Mich Oct TIn n a driv drivng drhng drivngng rainstorm rt J1torm Illinois and nd I1 Michigan Michiganplayed fIekIganplayed IU 1t 1tplayedplayed their annual football game game liefe liefeoday ltereela hefe1Ola1Ola oday ela Michigan winning 3 to t On Onthe Ontthe t h he heavy slippery sllpp llpp ry field both teams were werei were1I1d wereidri 1I1d nder jing n > g of passes pa ses occurred occurredLafnycttc occurredLafaette occurredLnfnetteLafnycttc IT Colj ColJIltr CoiguteI ntc ii iilaston ti tiJJ laston aston Pa Oct 27jLafaycttc 7 Lataycttc dtfeutfd dtfeutfdolgatc dtffdIptc defeutdIgatcolgatc Iptc here today t cliqb by u t core l of 17 to 6 6ltplaylng j jut 3II ut playing ltplaylng the visitors o1 throughout th tha Jhc Jhcune thmea une me Colgate secured ulfd their touchdown touchdownthe touchdownii L the latter part of o tne tn second Sf > CoDCf h haM Jf after aftercostly afterNstly afterfWIbIOcostly fumble fum by byafacttf Lafayette Lafny La fa fntt fnttured rltt ttft ttftvured P Pu1e4vured u1e4 two touchdowns toucbd n In n th first half halfrd halfod half2rAve13rd MrAven very scored again 3g in in inU th t second secondaa i yard run runWashington runati1lllftori runWaiiIngtoi13Washington no Do5 ys > > Win Wini WlnT1 V1i1 V1i1iT1 i lie Washjagtoij School S ho l for Iloys Do ot otaI t tal tallal team yesteretay memmg m rnrng defeated d ftted the tijeeven th thf011 theitlenitlen > even troiii 1Oi Baltimore City Coll CoUg gt by b th thore the theore theoreore oi O S to 0 on th au in an n Wiyccria i > tn avenge0l T TYADYUOKYAEETSAVBD YALE YADYUOK YADYUOKAnihcrsi A ED1JYUOK ED1JYUOKAmher 3YTJOK 3YTJOKAmlicrstAmlicrst Amher Gave n EJlIit EII n Stiff StlItfln1le llnttle Dnttl on onCIT onw onYY CIT w Havcit Gridiron GridironNew GrItUJOl1Nw GridironNewNew Haven Havet1Conn Conn Get 27 iYale Yate luck luckatone luckalone uckaleneatone savwl v 1 the UI Blues Imcon against againstAniberst aphastAmherst agaluntAjiiherstAmherst at Yule Field tod todIG r for the theplucky thetlluekY the1guekyplucky attic t1e Massachusetts l1 QuS team not DOter nototily t tonlyonly er y played a corking oorkf orkhi g good pune me bat bathad IJathad bathadhad the ball twice within striking din dlstance eIle eIleUUICe dintancetance of Yales goal and on one of those thoseoccasions tlIQ8en thoncocnionoccasions n planted it on the 2yard yanJ Jin JinThe line HitfThe lineTheThe final score neoi showed Yale YIlI IT l Am Amherat Atyiberet herat 1 r 0 0The oThe 0TheThe The same was a thriller and nothing 1IOlblugbut nothingbutbut words of praise on on all aide iddee were wereheard Wl1theard wereheardheard for Amtaerst t and CapL Habbard8 Habbard8plucky Hbbard1plueky Hebbardspluckplucky pluck team The most sensational lIBations I play playof pia piaor playofof the local men n came slusrtly before beforrtime beCOflime beforetimetime was called fat the second half when whenKeattns whenleaJln wheniCealingKeattns ball on a fumble aDd started ntrt rtcd d for Yales Yalesgoal YaJesForbes YalesitUalgoal Forbes wagf wasfaf we after r him like a shot shotand shotaDd shotandand with a a desperate Hying tackle tacklebreught taek taekbrtpugbt tacklebrugbtbreught him down dc > wn within 2 yards of ofthe ofthe ofthethe Hue The Yale cohorts rose e to a man manand loanlld manandand howled out otie oheprolonged prolonged yell carry carrying carrIng rry rryIn ing In with it pentup excitement and relief reliefAmherat retiefAmherst reliefAmherstAmherst also brought up a good bunch bunchof bunchof bunchofof rooters who occupied the west stand standTheir standI standTheirI Their wallorganize cheering and Ming Minging singininS in caught the crowd They were thrown throwninto thrownintointo > spasms S 6 of Joy oy when the team bad hadthe badUt badthethe Ut ball almost t over the Yale goal line lineMay line10Iay lineMayMay played tiaCdgood good hard ball The Th for forward forWdrd forward ward pass was not used to any extent extentRoome cxtentRoo extentRoomeRoome Roo did a lot of punting and Knox Knoxbooted Kn Kn x xbootedbooted th the at frequent intervals intervalsARMYS intfasARMYJS intervalsAR1IYSARMYS STRONG GAME GAMEHarvard GAMEH GA1EKavailHarvard H Ll va I Found oululCadets olI11I Cadets Good GoodinDefense Hoo HoojnDqf GoOliuDqljnDqf inDefense nse and alHlOff Offense OffenseTOUCHDOWN OffdllseTOUQHDOWi se seTOUOHDOWNTOUCHDOWN TOUQHDOWi SAVES SA sAs sAsGanie s CRLMSQN CRLMSQNGnmc O IMSON IMSONGnmc >Gnmc Had Gone to Almost Almo t Its Jt Time TimeLimit TimeLimit TimeLimitLimit When the ContcIt Wa VAS Dc Dcqidcd Dci DcidedMouimtfordqidcd i cdJlollntford aiouiitford Nearly calI 3Inkes n nGoal nGonl aCoalGoal from Field J lc1 from 40ynrd Line IincTwo IlncTwo LineTwoTwo Harvard Men Arc rc Disabled DisabledWest DhmblectWest DlsnlledWentWest Poftat NY N Y Oct iA 27Ahowt Tj Tjmen 1Mt 1MtJIIea ZNmenmen and women WeMea en were on too 4 parade paradegmiad puHep poue4egpoeidgmiad h re today p and raW m w XIarr iIrTnrs iIrTnrsf rd rdfootoaU 11 11ff footoaU otflsIl team iMM score s a victory over the theCadets theC thecadetnCadets themml score com e heing i tolhroult to t I Alltbiouh All Allthroughthrough th the two tw halve ha1v > lvS tile army put op opa 1 p1It upaa strong 1It game both in defense dele and of offense oCfeMe offeune fense Partteuiarty where line work ortr came camehi cameIn camehihi the army arR y prove ove to be the stronger strongerTbe s strosserThe er erTheThe visitors only scored by a toocn toocndown t Dcnaom toucndqwndown aom when the second cond half of the sane sanehad IUDebU samehidhad Almost iuo t run the time limit UlattTber UmitThere jThere was plenty of enthusiasm on onboth ORbotb onboth Iboth side atdH alden but the game itself lost the thevigor tbevigor thevigorvigor and dash cia which characterised eba r pre previous preI peevious I vious contests coatestaCOU fought out under 8der the old oldrules oldrules oldrulesrules on the Went eIK Point gridiron In Inpunting 1 1pwadD laspuntIngpunting the Harvard men had 4 the bet better 1ter better ter of e C it during the ant half t as asvJ8itor the thevisitors thevisitorsvisitors vJ8itor s had won the toss t and selected selectedthe wtecte4tile selectedthethe south goal which wJa1cbrlTe gave then tte the thewind diewI thewindwind in then favor favorMistakes favorMislakea tvorM1sakenMistakes were ere made by both botJaand teams teamsand teamsandand penalties were frequently handed out owtToward oMTwanl outTowardToward the end nd of the Ant rst half when whenHarvard w wHarvard whenarvardHarvard arvard had pushed tbe boll within a aJ ahI ajewJ jew pw niches of the rival rlvalgoai goal gl line Hr liar Harvard H liarmeet r rnnIwas meet nnIwas was penamwd IJtyanilf 3 15 yard yards for holding holdingand boId boIdtllull holdingaiidand thus they t lost a stand nd opportunity opportunityofof scoring A few seconds later the thewhistle tIMwhl thewhietlewhistle tJe ended the half In the second secondhalf necondhalf Ihalf the aokllers made some eMe spirited at attack ettacks t tack I3IoinitfordM Ioaa tltfordN KlcIc for f r Goal GoalMountford ro Gon I IMountfordIMountford came within wit a few inches hs Ilea of ofscortmc ora ofsicorngscortmc sicorng a goal 11011 g fnmi the tJteAeUt Held from the thevrd t theys11011 vrd line the ball going s4 within a foot footof footof footoof o the desired place pta With the hall la lathe IaUte l lthethe middle a of the field Mountford MOUlltfonJall made madean qdeanan attempt a for a dropkick but Wendall WendallBlocked WeadaDiM WendaIIllioekedBlocked iM It It and the ball shot bot back behind behindthe bebllkJthe behindthethe West W t Point oint lines JI Wendall picked it itup itand itupup and HIM 111 made an attempt to tackle tacklehim tacldeMQL tacklelowhim Wendell then speeded If away with withthe withthe itb itbthethe entire team following him but butJDa be bemanamxl hemnamanamxl JDa mna to make a touchdown toucbdo before beforeany befOftaDY beforeanyany of cadets reached reacbedblm him Orr failed failedto failedt4 fliedIto I kickthc kick the goal and the same pmie was won wonand wonand wonandand lost right t there A few exchanges exce exceUJlts of ofmints efpufltsmints UJlts left the ball in West W It Point terri territory en1tory tenitory tory at the conclusion coacltt no of the tb contest contestWest coet coetefi contestWeWest We efi t Point played Iayedu h Its team without withoutmakfoer withoutctaa withoutma1dmakfoer ma1d a cbangie ctaa but t Harvard had two twomeii twoDell twomenDell dteabicd d l in L the second half halfIi halfJineIllt halflizmcuIi JineIllt lizmcu lieup and Snmmary SnmmaryW SUlIul1nr SUlIul1nrWsl uzLImmnr uzLImmnrWet1W Wsl t Vaittitu 1 IlarranL IlarranLlliekasi UanuLIIdaIa IlseTaidwlliekasi IIdaIa left cad I MUfer TEssam TEssamMMIKaaaNMM Kcanavi KaaaNK KcanaviWeekWeek w 4eft UcfeJr h htIs Otbarar OtbararVnutertIs= v Vnuter Vnuterriste I ItartJc4 riste math mathkt K KrWbnc KrWbncrMkmrMkm Jt kt tarUe tk tke laches lachesSterna lSterna e risM rt cl clrr Mwrnltad jMtrr wrn rr back hekiImosleft Newhaa NewhaaIlaataaIlaataa n iImosleft left all tack tMcltGIiIcr tMcltGIiIcrridt b bion Koato KoatoXooatXooat ion rigfct ridt bait baitJOIwI ke keirmkfl adc Lock Lockllfflllffl JOIwI MK baci bc bcIbasaWdfl WcaaWI WcaaWIToachdoKVWoHlell WeIIIiIJJIWIdadToachdoKVWoHlell IWIdad n ftenefr f wMf McCncbta McCncbtaUoHctaitr XcCnctIeaUakenit7 McCmeaUohuiityUoHctaitr of l 1yh n Ja 1 aida Uiarfna3lr U r Moriee MorieelJ 1IGrieej MsicrUsivemsitylJ Usivemsity irM t7 of P ltll lillsrkauia a sThairia sad Mr 3 1 Lanafrwi LanafrwiTHatty LaqfwdTriDit LammafeidTrinityTrinity TriDit I laealrI hinanan Mr Jtewa Ja lIiTnfccd TIRC d dbalnsI j jhahcs f fVIRGINIAbalnsI hahcs abates aintnVIRGINIA abatesvIRdilMAVIRGINIA HELD TO LOW SCORE SCOREEiohinond SCORE1tiohm SOORBRiohm9nd1tiohm Eiohinond Riohm9nd nd > Proves proyes a Strong Adver Adyeraary Advery Adverforaary y for Charlottesville Team Teamaiillcr TeamiUUcr TeamLiUcriUUcr aiillcr Jumps JUIUP timid Pulls PnI Do qown Donu ii n Luiis Luiisrunt LOI LOIlunt LomI LomIPuntrunt undo Ilnntt Uun from Jlidfiuld Jlidfiuldfor Ni li lflcld lflcldrur lfieldforfor n z Tonclidowii Touel de IupoMtt Special to The Waiba Wam tOB lieald liealdChartolteKvllk UeAIdCrIotte5Vtllf IlualdCbiiotteavftlChartolteKvllk CrIotte5Vtllf Aa a Oct 2 fZ fZdefeated 2LVIrkiia 2LVIrkiiadefeated Mnia Mniadefeateddefeated Richmond College here today todayby t todaybytbesmnaltscoreoflltoS tla7 tla7byby bytbesmnaltscoreoflltoS bytbesmnaltscoreoflltoSVirginia the small score of 12 to toVirginia totrgJataVirginia started off with a rarls rut rutIRK ru acne scorIHK acnelugIRK the first touchdown hi less than a aminute amlftute aminuteminute but the sta otb4e e fright t of the eel collegians 001legtau eelleglajis legians soon oon disappeared and they tbeytlfotl set settled nettied tied down to real 1 1 football footballThe foottAtJlTbe footballTheThe visitors made their touchdown tJlUIMJo near nearthe nearttH nearthethe ctoe clone of the tint half when their theiriett tbetrI theirleftleft I ft tackle Miller I11Ifor jumped in i the ah in inmdl InI InmklfleklI mdl ml mklflekl M and pulled dow down a long punt on onthe ontbe ontbetbe Urst bound and a d with imbody in his hisway blliw7 hiswayway scampered unpered for or a touchoown touchoownThe tonobbowaThe lownTbeThe Richmond Rt hmoad College Coile players pJaY 8lS able to make a any y headway hAdwa against Vir Virginia Virsin Virginla ginia sin by carrying the bull in the thelt Jim half halfbut halfJut halfbutbut three t1t times In n the t second odbtlf half made madethe madethe madethethe neetesary suy ten te yards yar through the line lineThey JlneThey lineTheyThey frequently resorted re to punting and andin aJdI andhin I h nearly rl every case was 5 the gainer there thereby th thereby re reby by as the Virginia backs could nut n t catch catchthe eatetathe aththeba1Itheba1I the ball with any an degree or ccrtanty ccrtantyTwtce eertantyTwice rt1lnt rt1lntTwiceTwice Quarter Back Randolph Randf simRhd simRhdfor t rJod rJodforfor a free catch and both times muffed muffedthe rnufedtbe muffedthethe ball ballCapt btlli btlliCapt ballCaptCapt Johnson TobR80n Staniforth and a MeMur MeMurdo ldlurdocar MeMurdocarrieddo docar docarried carried the th bail well white whl Cooke Wil Willinv WIlJ WI WIlbm5linv J m and Vaughan did fine ftn wok in the thelines theUe thelicenlines licenThe I IThe ITheThe lineup Un lineupYjai u I IVbjawa IooasVbjawa Poeiliaws RWwaod RWwaodVoofcu RbvheoedWeedsooasC9cIIe Weeds Voofcu ooas right cud cmslCm Khasr KhasrOoateOoate Cm right taeWr t tflflbaa ItobeHft ItobeHftVTimaaM IVTimaaM Jigt emit ruedCiotb Thww ThwwUotbUotb Ve 2 baa I Wt fiard nni nnip Chambtin Chambtinpjvbo hambIitJppjvbo p Jfft it lutte 1t intittad k till MillwMyrs tiller liU i I Meixi I 1k Tiasi fj Of Qqbah i ihalrcs ihalrcs bahc1nIIQ bah INvcntj Ticnt mirutc miutca iI I NAYY0BUCKNELL0 NAYY0BUCKNELL0Well NAVY iAYY 0 0BUCKNELL BUCKNELL 0 0I 0POllllsylvalliallS 0Poiiisy1vaiiiansIPOllllsylvalliallS Hehi Mid Middies Middies8lLrris1ng1y Slulisi 8lLrris1ng1y 1g1 Well WellSAILORS 1 Tj TjSAILORS clI clIi clISAILiSAILORS SAIL RSf RALLY STOPS S OPS SCORE SCOREltliouffh SGOltElthou1t SCOREtIthouihI ltliouffh the Annanoils tnnaiioII nnJ11O II Eleven Out Outplayed OutplaecI Ontplayed played the Collcgrlniis They The Were WereViinlilc Weretznblc VerclnnhlcViinlilc to 0 nUll n fl Score Sc CO r Up to Their TheirStandard ThclrStnlHtnr TheirStandardStandard l of IInylnjc 1lnIngStloIlJt Stronnr AVind AVindIrcn Win Winflrcn4Iy Vhultrcnntrcnn flrcn4Iy Spcia Spsr gpcrni to Th The Waahtaetaa WiIIct HcraM HcraMAnnapoHs II IIAnnapolbl HusidAnnapolisAnnapolis Md Oct 27Bncknell Zi cneU Cd Cdlcg CoItC Collgelcg ItC and the Annapolis Anapo Midshipmen tUds llpl on met metin ntetin metinin their annual football gunm here to today to today today day and for forty fort nrinutes 1 IIu the th two teams teamsstruggled teamlrugled teamsntruaIe4lstruggled without a as score Since Buck Buckn BucknellI n nell H Wall snowed OWN under by b Princeton two twoweeks twowceka twoweeksi weeks ago and Annapolis held the Tigers Tigcrsitoto 5 to 0 a victory over Bwcknell Willi WillieMUy wnsgenerally ns nsgenerallygenerally eMUy expected today todayAfter toda todaAfter todeyAfterAfter playing to a standstill in the tlietrst theAnt therntI Ant rnt haft although ithoug Navy put up up 1 strong stronger er game Pme ever everyone > one looked for the Mid Middles Middtes MidWas Was 19 t score 8C re once or twice in iv the sec second secOII seecod cod half But Buckaetls strength seemed seemedenduring seemedenduring cmed cmedndurlDenduring unable to get within striking distance but butR buttt butftR looked Joo ed at one time us a if the visitors visitorswoukl vistInrawould I8i1013 I8i1013wouldwould make a tally tallyThe taIl taIlrite tallyThetMiddiesThe ThetMiddies Middies Uddl started 3trted in like easy 8 Y winners winnersand winnersa winnersandand after ftera a few minutes of the first half halfthey nlfl hlftheythey l Y worHwI w r t the U th ball bil from midfield mld e d to toone toOQC tooneone yard from the t e coveted tCI ted SI = s el whore whertIfuekneli whelluGk whorelSuoneliIfuekneli ett put up a stubborn defense der nle and andtook andtook andtooktook the leather on downs Although Althoughwithout AlthoughwithoUt lthougllltlboCltwithout the services of Capt Spencer poncer at athall atKIt atbaithall back who wlleaJ80 also does the punting ami amiNorton apdNorton 1 1ortonNorton orton and Myers regular Jar quarter back backand backandand fta left 1 ft guard respectively r tteIT the Middles Middlesplayed Mld 3IIddiezplayed le2 le2pbaedplayed creditably creditablyDtickncll ChCIltabiyDuckneIIClcer creditablyflucineliDtickncll DuckneIIClcer Clever ut t KickingBucknell Kicking KickingBucknei fckJngBuekDeJBucknei had a distinct advantage over overthe over overddift overthethe Middies ddift in the kicking line especially especiallyin cspeclsUIin I the flrst half A strong wind was wasblowing wa waDIowfD wasblowingblowing this greatly aided akledClark Clarks punts the wind windcarrying windcarrying windcarryingcarrying tb t the ball at t times thne for fifty > yards yardsr yard8more yardsoror r more On the other hand Strellnger Strellngerwho St1ellngerwhodid Strelingerwhowho whodid did the kicking 1 dtllllr for Annapolis nnap lls punt punted punted punteu ed eu very wrylOOlly poorly against a t the thewiasd jwind Wind and in inthe inthe inthethe second half when the wind favored favoredMm favoredhim favoredhimhim and when wb more mOre kicking was done donethan dOMthan donethanthan In the ant half be punted out of ofbounds ofI ofbotunlebounds on nearly every occasion occasionBucknei oecaalonB1IeKnel occasionBucknellBucknei had a good opportunity to toscore tokGft toscorescore in the second half U It was as offered offeredon otforadonon a a side kick kick which Hayes recovered recoveredon recoverodooNaon ooNa Navys syard yard yanr mark Here Here however howevertiie howeverthe howeverthethe Middies gof together tO and recovered recoveredon reon down A try trytor for Held goal was out of ofthe oftheItbe the question q owing to the strong t1O 1 head headwind headwtndwind wbM After this t th the hall D changed hands handsoften handsofteaoften oft being nit on one side of the field fieldand fieldandand then on the other The Middies 11d out outplayed Outplayed played the visitors visitorsLlncni viottursIa1ncui Wt WtlLlncni l > and n nsa ud Summary SummaryAwaiwIK SuninanryailiAwaiwIK aili rwKtesa Nw NwCIartWt rattle rattlel1u ttaetotU ttaetotUC3aikC3aik CIartWt Ml WjaMudacr WjaMudacrIttntt rIttntt J l1u pampwB Mt ft tartie 1attit1 aet5 ItanaCIlawk ItanaCIlawkniliigii i1u = II II1Ift Hant Hantmdniliigii hft xaaid md 6C C BaliMa 1tIIIdwtIIoCIIIRtr lIsr lIsrinisrtaf i 4x0rr ODHtn ODHtnrar811af111t1a dIItt eenlrrssst ssst ssstMouu SIMr SIMrrtPtMouu rar right t taeMe Lssaanleml CapL mDapt I DcJfott Xott right cad cadBnk d Haj 11Battle Bnkniag 1Iuaa niagi w Wl half h X J eapt eaprtpt right half back ie iem ienaeeir Wap VajI m r MM nffl hMt Clai ClaiKef CIart CIartfrKef naeeir mXr fr G GudthHI odcbB rf i Lafayette U ulity Uapir psMr McCloak laimnity t4 1ieiaaLier Ifa a Lie 1 it lUavw of tbe aery TJ y I hicaatn UscMidshipmait tshhii Kittem and 1 Mr Haw 11 fnr ft ItwtnrftThne of I balTta haletsTwenty ITW Twenty minutes n n4t n4tINDIANS d dINDIANS INDIANS CRUSH OLD PENHSY PENHSYWhits PENNSYVhita PEN NSY NSYWhitaWhits Men lr en Fumbled and Redskins HedskinsWorked RedskinsWorked RedskinsWorkeilWorked Forward Pass Well WellQniiftur WeHQnnrtcr WellQuurtcrQniiftur lluck nn k Lililiy 1lhh Kicks n n Iffc IffcGoal Iicld Iicldffm licld4m1Goal ffm 4m1 from rt mum 11 Ole 45yanl 4 JrI Iinc IincreniiHy JinePcon TincIeflthyreniiHy Pcon Cohfascd COllfu ell by h Play PinyPhiladelphia PIn PlayPhIia4ieiphb9 9PhUadelphiaPhiladelphia Oct 27 tPeI Pennsylvania uIam suf suffered nifferod Uf UfterM terM the tie most croohlns defeat in Snyeara Snyearatilt years yearsthis yesmthisthis afternoon on FrankHn Field when whentne WileDt Whenthethe t Carlisle CarU te Indians I won w from the Red Redand p pand Bc Bcandand Blue team t m by a store of of31 3 t te 6 Penn Pennsylvanias Penn1I1vanta Pennn1vaidas sylvanias defeat was due Ie to persistent persistentfuraniin persI8teDtaDd persistentfumidhigfuraniin fumidhig and the ad a4lept ade pt manner ter in which whichtne whichthe whlebthethe Indians worked Ute he forward pass a apiny aplay aplayplay which wille completely confused C futMd Penney PennsyNearly PeADSYNearly PenneyNeOrlyNearly all of the scoring s ortag was wadont done In in the thefirst theftret thefirstfirst half halfThe baitJbe halfrhoThe Indians Beer scored ftve iiv minutes after aftertne artertho afterthethe beginning of play pt when Libby Ubb drop dropl droppel pe ed a field fie goal from Bevnsylranias PnlMltaDlasyant 45 45yard 4 4yardyant yard line It was a a1Jeautfful beautiful kick kl k Penn Pennsylvania Peansylvania Pennsylvanis sylvania gamed catMdtbe tne lb lead a few moments momentslater ntomen momentalater l lbierlater when hen Levene Le blocked a kick on the UseIdyard the1tnI the14yardIdyard line and Draper fell feUon on the ball ballbehind ballbeblad ballbehindbehind the line Hollenbeck kicke kicked g S6a1 051 4U TKentyftve minuter s or of the fink finkhalf firstbait t thalthalf bad been consumed consumed when hin Ixinswell Ixinswellfumbled 1oRWellfumblecl Longwellfusthledfumbled Mount Pleasants Idea klcJtOft on the the15yard theliyar4 the15yard15yard line and Gardner recovering the theball theIL thehellball IL made a touchdown toU ant booted the goal 1 One minute later laterLtfrraque JattrIArraque laterLdrraqueLtfrraque scwd tb ball alter nibbles nibblesfumble nibb nibbfumble 1libbles 1libblesfuinbiefumble and ran W yards for a touch touchdown toachcnnI touchdown down Mount Pleasant again kicked goal goalTwo gp gpTwoTwo more points were gained by the Reds Redswhen Ited Itedwftn Redswhenwhen Lonfell eU lost his head d on a punt puntand p puntand nt ntadand touched the Ua ball behind hlQl Penney Pennsylvanias Penneyvntas vanias Anta goal Hne nt allowing allo1n a safety sntet to ale nisopponents nlsppoMnUJ aleopponmitsopponents The TIIe1rst first half ended with the thescore the8COIe thescorescore Indians 18 Pennsylvania Pe PetnaylvanlaIn IBn18 6 6In tt ttInIn the second half Exrdlne took die be ball ballon bctllOR 111onon a punt and Lube ran 75 7 yards 8rds for atouchdown Mount Pleasant again Kick Kicked k keel ked ed the goal Final score r 1tndiu 1tndiuPennsylvania Indians Id1uO 36 36Pennsylvania G GFenDPennsylvania FenD lvama 6 6 The line ap apItraaThaiiia ip upPodtiocsItraaThaiiia 1 haDJa Iosttwes l Podtiocsleea r rLet I ILeteaeLet Leteae ene Gaaton Gatoe1Ift GastonIdttlrspr5ft left cod Ga Card CardDraper th thIeftDraper tlrspr5ft left tackle twd t int MftwMlb MftwMlbGallagher e erGallagher r left puwL aIIaJdpnlott aIIaJdpnlottJloUeubeck wd jtpflloii jtpflloiiHoUenbcck Iflhiou IflhioufloheubeckHoUenbcck oentrr n lust IluatLa lustZd1Ia IIIBt IIIBt7ei1Ja7ei1Ja riJIb d smd smdLacoy Latr UI UILaWlLa LaWl y richt rt tadclc Luba 1AIbp BkMh BkMhScarlett DlllMIhSradltt ThbMScadettScarlett right end e dSWaIr eelEn4lae eelEn4laesielk Exnpar ExnparSHcUeSHcUe Lay Abrqar qnuta b Iwk la laYoInelLleft rk LttayFoJmett JIoIeI11fft left balf ba back ladtMt Mt It IkasaHt IkasaHttJrcen JMIttUIUMrJIbt IlmaestrtensUIUMrJIbt tJrcen rtens rifbt half If back Hcedrie HcedrieLonctajr Hndrlss4mgIe IrI IrILcncteYLonctajr 4mgIe Dwyer LnysrtsU fall bi b tLIUIeImojr tLIUIeImojrToabdeaiisDtper rLittteIJttr rLittteIJttrKxidine Ltwe nor norTT ToabdeaiisDtper Dtaprr cIe8u la Iarrmmqia lied liedEDdtne sadIttidhieKxidine O aIs 0m ate hiss fr a toecHdea t tigHaaenlieeJc lJoIIeaI ec and ADffI andMamt aA aAJfoontJfoont rfcaaaat O t Goal fra m x fteWLJW fttW LR llef llefrnrMr UfIr ItefreMrrnrMr Ir Oorbia rwY ub Ya YsIr > Uansi Uasie1r Jlr Sharpe YakIJnewaMr Li b SwJtlj of ItecknrB Tbtor of kalfw Isaivtmineta31 miMtcs each eachY adY eadiyY it l C A WINS HANDILY HANDILYAssoulntion HANDILYoulatioJ1 HANDILYtsouizitIonAssoulntion oulatioJ1 Team Defeat Def ntH t 1 I IFraternity JrntcrnIt Iirntdrn1tyFraternity rntcrnIt In B Banketball BanketballTh flmtketbalIThe IIketb1l1 IIketb1l1TTh T The Y M M C C A UId and U 1 and and L I Frater Fraternity Frat Fratrnity r rnlt nity nlt boakrtbuM bQU teams tftlftl IB IJ U tlte City CityIxttfu Cit Citl CityLealhl Lealh n clashed d l shod las 18Ixttfu night on the fonney fnne fnneeOujt s scourt 5fOUcourt fOU t Thv Ph asaorwdon kttiOn boys easily Emsf out outtjassed outcia outtiassedtjassed cia th I C and I r and Won b handily handilyby baudUyhy handilylyby tho HI ser o r a great nat game as far as goal throwing throwingwas t throwingwas iow pS pSwaswas concerned cr Nmtd Ca Calt H V VVIcaniet V lfants ris ltl siso sisottishd l o dls dlsUujnlished dlshffNEtUujnlished hffNEt himself m In the U defence ot his histeam histeam Is Ismteam m Herbert for the th U t und tntl r L did didcreditable didrcd1able didcreditablecreditable wcrfe wcr Uneup UMU and ttDtIsuml11 summary summaryY summnr rr rrYY XT r C A Ponftoei UaBdlFrar UaBdlFraroloniao t T aDd I I Frat FratM1IJaD Fiatc4esianoloniao I 1It1j h ii ritit ri t fMrvan f rWaroF11mS2u ferrariFunasesren Furraaw FurraawHr IHr ren fn n ilH1 fI1IIiM CCs H Kft fnnrarrJ Mite Miteliaiaitt li1 li1lltlilt reattr eaIrJose U Hrtbtrt HrtbtrtJoiir llnb rt rtJJose J l towitrmigbt owte right enact PW DancuBW bunn QDouiW W loses losesvfllbnK J Jwmia 7oieWihimavfllbnK wmia Wt sn qmt H oIM ouJMrCsin > k1tin I is i Jnoes 1 Fowkr oo kr HerJ H Herbert rt t tl > a atHUlao au1 xl Miles MilwKffcrcpMr Free IrertfZItlNn Freetr3emeltwlntfZItlNn II H HIIt t LdI fI snd l Iu urntg1 KffcrcpMr lri tflIl JKJre foret S 3ererMr JiIDf L6 IJlt1iCENTRAI CENTRAL16 16 LAUREL AURB 0 0WnrtltiiiKtnn Onrthll1Jton 0VnNImIngfunWnrtltiiiKtnn nrthll1Jton IHsrli School Team Wins WinsGood Vin VinGood VlnsGoodGood Game ame from Ularylnnders UlarylnndersSpecial JlnrrlanderlJS MarylnndernSpeclSpecial S lAl to Tb The WaaWBgtOH Wa Td1tOn UmU I IL1ureMd ILaurel1 Laurel L1ureMd Md Oct 27 nThe The Central HJgi HJgiScliool lIJgbSchool 111gbSchoolSchool football team of Washington Washingtonvisited Washingtonvisited Vehlngtonvisitedvisited Laurel tbt th thl afternoon and tl defeat defeated deCeotfd defeated ed the Laurel High School team by the thecore thoIkoro thescoreofIkoro scoreof core of 16 iat iatThe ttf o oThe oflitThe Laurel boys boyS were W decidedly hantll hantllcapped handtcnppedJn handleapitdcapped cnppedJn in weight an th the Washington Wublllrtonboys Wasbitgtonboys Washingtonboysboys wore about ten t u nm pounds heavier to totlio totho tothethe man although tM they hW thei their visitors visitorsdown vittradown 1Mtt rs rsdowndown very well w 1I In the second hair and andput andput andputput up a fast plucky game Laurel had hadth hadtheI th the leather le tllftJ wIthin five yard yards of C the covet coveted covttcd coveted ed goal line en three occasions but the theWashington theWusblntton theWashingtonWashington boys pat puttbe1t their thou weHtft w H to togood t tgood togoodgood effect > ffft and kept them from mm wjrin wjrinTlnwnus cu1ing cu1ingTimanus Jlin JlinTlmAnusTlnwnus and am C Phair for ft the Vintc Vintcteam lyJIUCtt yme ymeteamteam tt and Burch and Lackland for h hvisitors he hevJ hevisitorsvisitors vJ I r put up a good ocJ game ga This was wasthe WA WAthe wasthethe opening opo lns game afglhe ttbe getisbn sesteon here and anda anclaa goodsteed gOod crowd crowf w wns nil present p t Th Thlineup 1K 1Klineup 1elineuplineup lineupLMBL lineupLatlineupIAMImLat ItaJUana I IPIMlIr Oeatni Oeatnirhalr CmtndPinirliekt1rhalr Pinirliekt1 feftftelf al tec berkKactaita berkKactaita1ihe KactertU KactertUiUUsbdl KadnlttI1e1w11fIaIIiUUsbdl I1e1w11fIaII 1ihe foil tack intOfineszfkt Olw OlwRWWH U UPRWWH P fineszfkt to itgbt bill tack bektitassnuwt Kins KinsTfcMtMe K Kl1IfIeMIIJTfcMtMe titassnuwt Mt nd iwiMeKeemar iwiMeKeemarL MeKcnvr MeKcnvrU tIlKw11ta1rU Itatr rist cad endBaSsett endBaSsettPastasWt aId BattwWWteH aIdFVIhIhWteH FVIhIh toft tacfck WU WUJaawtea UIIaIJrirIrt 1154taetleJaawtea JrirIrt rfefet tad taetle taetlesssd Uefefcnd UefefcndJava I IJJava J Wt gaafi sssd sssdMma Easw EaswIbalpa 8aIIRIpaIbalpa right pMid Maxery MaxeryMenoa axMenoa center Taylar TaylarStaffer axItQoW ItQoWShalfft TajieciafferStaffer iaffer Ti TiMO e of kalreaTweatjr halo halvcsTweatsnd Iwftl1 and Mitt ftfWft mliwten Kt Ktcm It ItLabm ltd ltdcrfeLmHbeTtcm crfeLmHbeTt Lambert Impire t tnpIreMenon JDpt Mcnon Tiaadieepcr ThDdI TIekeejarWeI TIekeejarWeIfeed Wei WeiIut4 Wdfedfed UMtmon liMHmmFT Prye and Hamilton HamiltonWAW llmi1tonWON Hamilton1NWAW WON 1N nUrl CI BY RV QMJTT SMALL OiilALL QPABl SCORE SCORECieolgc SCORE4eorgc DuUJiJi DuUJiJiC4corgoC4corgo Washington Beats BeatsWestern BeatsYctern BeatsWesteiiiWestern Maryland MarylandSUBPBISE MarylandSUR MarylandSURPRISESURPRISE SUR RISEFORHATOHET FOE HATOHET MEN JIENLncnroneN 1fENLncarUIHH MENLuenroisesLncnroneN Kuuiblc umlc Cost Ills Team TeamFlv TcnmFln TeamFIveFlv FIve Points Poln Thonma rhomn Carrying the theBall tllcDaIl theflailBall for n Touchdown TOllchdowuDoth Both Button Buttonniul Snttonnl1 Suttonnii1niul Stccncrwon Kick Goals onhl from fromthe from fromthe fromthethe Field fJlcldJlnrJnndcrIC 3InryInndcrH Piny lln Pnit PnitGeorge JuoJtG llntcenrgeGeorge G WashlngUm fflg5 was given eD a sue JQIIJItH sueprintprint yoaterday y aAemooa aft at Van n Neat NeatPark N NPal1t NssPamPark Pam when w they tIae had groat peat dt dhiicui ctilty ty 7 ha indefeating hadefeat hadefeatingdefeating defeat the strong Western W Maryland MarylandteambyasoreofteL > Maryiaadteam aIJIudtoamteam teambyasoreofteL hy a score of 8 to i It Itwaga wa WU a hard hardfousht nItoutJtt hardfoughtfought comet replete with fumbling for forward forwant forward ward passes and good kicking The local localteam localm localtenonteam m showed an excellent ex t grip on the new newalld newrulesrules and mao made > gain after nr gain by trick trickplyrs trickrl17 trickrt7splyrs rt7s and double doublee passes They The could do dovery doVer doveryvery little with the Maryland aggregation aggregationuntil aggregationuntil Ioa IoawttUuntil shortly before the close of the sec second cbait saccodcod half when Gibson Gtb e and Sommers SonuIIera their Uaelrhk theirhusky theirhuskyhusky hk tackles made e consistent plunges plungesfor pI pIfer plungesforfor many yards ar 5545 Both Steenersoi St and andSntton udSUtton andSuttonSUtton kicked a goal from roan the Sell and andaHhoagh ancIaithougb andalthoughalthough several other attempts failed faOedthey taDedt failedtipeythey t showed great t aptitude In this de department de depa dcpurt3aent partment pa and with 1th the coaching of Crow Crowell crOw crOwI Crowallell ell are sure to be dangerous daq 1OU8 from now on 00A onA onAI A noticeable Amount of fumbling ped out in George Washingtons Wu play playMany playMay playMaityMany times as tile ball rotted on the befa thegroundground a local ocal man would fall on it It only to toMe toseeMe e it It1to1Qa4 bound away Steencraon wan plOt gotltyof plOtof guiltyofof this fault several times during duri the thoi nrajt nrajthalf r rhalfi half and a bud fumble by Lacarone LacarvoeIe8POUIbte was wasresponsibte wanresponsibleresponsible for Xaryhinds touchdown touchdownThe t tI touchdownTheI The bI B foil back 11 acquitted himself ItI eraS creditably eraSiably I itably at all other OIh I tower of strength atre b on the offense offenseTbe ocr otfenseTheI The TheU1aad Maryland team was fast t when once oncein ceIn oncein Iin action aetlorl hut there was a noticeable low lowof Ionsofi of time Between t plays Ia Turner Sell Settmanand SelliMIid SeUmanandiMIid and Adkins excelled e in allround work workalthough Ikt wuricalthoughalthough the t xiattorf line 3fm deaenreii great greatcredit SJMt1f4It groutcreditcredit heavy opponents opponentsccncrson CJIPPOINftuStcenerson opponentstccncrsonStcenerson ccncrson lvicl lilclt Off OflSteeaetwrn 011 011the OffSenonSteeaetwrn opened the game by byit kicking kickingoff kickinggoff it g yards to Adkins AaId who advanced sdranccdyards S Syards ibefOhyards before he was downed on CII a pretty prettytackle Jlfttt7tMkle prettytackletackle II y Sntton Maryland failed to togain toI togainI gain through tb h the line and 114 Adkma kicked kickedto ktk kickedtoItoSt to Steenersoo SteenersooBoard SteenersonBeardItoStBeanIBoard gained e4 five yard through tackle tacklethen tacklsthen kle kleUathen Ua on a double pass m from Lacerone Lac rone to toSutton toSuttt toSuttonSutton n the bitter laUerde made a brilliant run of offorty oCfortJ offortyforty yards After ball in position Sutton dropped a pretty prettygoal prettIOIII prettygoatgoal from m the Xryard 26YardUne line the ball easily eauttyclearing eultyc easilyck4nsclearing c the post Lacerone rone tumbled the thekiekovt thekk1nNt thedehatkiekovt and Seaman st1manof of Western estera Mary land captured the th oval A A series serlenof of short shortgains ahortin ishotgainsgains in which Adkins AdkI and Seitman most mostoft mostottm mostoftenoft often n carried the baiT brought bro1J t it to the the5yard tbei theiyaM5yard i rcl JIM Here the tb locals mad a de determined determined dietermined termined stand and it took three 6ovn 6ovnto doVato18b donatoto to18b push it over 0 Thomas made the touch touchdown touchdown oucbdown down and Adkins Ad tns failed goal goalAdkhts goulAdhiTas 1 1AAdkhts A ktn kicked off flftyftvc yards to toSteenerson toSteene toSteenersosaSteenerson Steene who made five yard yanla After Afteran Aft Aftan Afteranan exchange exha of kicks k dm the bail was wasbrought wasbrought wasbroughtbrought to to Marylands arytanda as ayaro yard line where whereSutton wIIenJSuttob whereSuttonSutton failed in an attempt tt t for a goal goalSommers SoalSommers goalSeinmnersSommers caught the kickout and gained gainednve plnedve gainedJIVenve JIVe ve yards Hen a forward WDK was wastried wa8trIed wantriedtried and although George e Washington Washingtonrecovered Washingtonrecovered Was Jncton JnctonnotOvtredrecovered the ball it was decided icIed to nave navenrst have havedrst havefirsttouchednrst firsttouched touched the ground gr und and was brought broughtback brou broughtback t tIMckback to its starting start tag point Lorando made madetwenty madetwenty madetwentytwenty yard on a forward pass by Steen Steenerson Steene Steenernon erson e n who 00 shortly afterward kicked to toTurner toTurner toTurnerTurner who fumbled Lorando setting settingthe Kttthlbtileball gettingthethe tileball ball Sntton again p in tried a goal the theball thebellball 1 hitting the posts post and bounding botmdl into intothe itothe intothethe tuWfield JcI where w hieroTurner Turner fell on it Te Tenrst Tbeftnt Thefirstfirst half ended with the ball near the thecenter Ulecenttr thecentercenter of the Held HeldPiny eldPJn fieldPlayPlay PJn In the Second Half HalfAdkhw lIaIfAdld half4ldk1H5Adkhw Adld kicked kkk off fifty ftttyya yards to Steen Steenerson Steeen erson e son n at the e opening ng of tile second half halfSommers halfSommers halfSomnersSommers mad a > a run runtof Min tof or o twenty ett7yar ett7yarlhrou yards yardsthrough yardsthroughthrough lhrou k rigiit rtc rmt t tackle Tbe Maryland line lineheld lineheld hueheldheld atthte t this point poi t and Steenerson st stfortedlo was wasforced wasforcedforced fortedlo to i ppnt unt t Gunning G nning making a nice nicetackle nicetackletackle tack Western Maryland MarYlandwt3 was penalized penalizedfor penalizedfor nreel d dforfor holding and andthe the bail baUnt wcnt to tl the lo locals locab cab After two attempts to gain in Steen Steenn SteenerSOft SteenersoerSOft erso n kicked klck t r Turner madety s run of fifteen yards ards and followed fOllowedIt it a amonlpnt amonJrnt aflOnirntmonlpnt after tur with ith uaotiier aQo ler of the same samedistance Samedl samedistancedl distance ou a forward par Adkr kick kickeda kicked kickad >eda ed a moment later to Hewyman who was wasthrown WASLlOwn wanthrownthrown in his tracks tra k by Turner From Fromthis Fromthis Fromthisthis time t1 e on George Ge r Washington made madestBudy madest madestendystBudy st udvsalltt gains unll they were finally ftnan held heldon MidOn heldOnon Marylands 10yard lo ard line Here Steen Steenerson Steencrson Steeneraun erson dropped back and sent the oval di directly directly direethy rectly between twfen the goal post winning winningthe winningthe winningthethe game for the locate After A rttr this the theball theballball remained almost In the renter o of the the3el theleJ thefield3el field until time was wu w called The lineup lineupGeo lineupGeoWIbh lineupGeoWashGeo GeoWIbh Waih rSoehioB l i AVest Veet jtt jttIx 1 td tdLdoLdo Ix do right end TMT TMTGfbmGfbm risftt tartslr Carrer CarrerSnaurnk1 j F FBonsuan Wca Bonsuan ceor ceorn Tbs TbsIe5Pn l1my Wt tIdhefitoat tIdhefitoatIeft ard ardSameotsSalt ISnaurnk SameotsSalt left uule sauLeOson OHtanw OHtanwOwwiBg G GM8iAiOwwiBg Oson Wt ftId nd niSteseerunquarter Haata HaataStccaenen H H1fStccaenen Steseerunquarter Steseerunquarterbslf quarter taw Tvnr TvnrBiaH= =BiaH right half 1f tw htal htalSuttonkit s sSua SeUman SeUmanSHUMLSHUML Suttonkit left half back backMacun backMacunbt4k1n Marcos MarcosLaoarwte 1Laoarwte 1 efuIl full tf bt4k1n Adttw fcapt fcaptTJOaaTbovmas caici caiciTaatsdeHHTtonjtf capttItTaatsdeHHTtonjtf It toits run ldSuUon and andStoeH aOOselI andSkPOISslIStoeH SkPOISslI fgep IcfctwAr nd r Suter Sut oter r IMmftop 1ri Uraptre UraptreMr tmpkvMrMr Itataow fII Daruaonth DvyIJoo l Tismvi IlaIEOIOas eIMs KKs Mc McD MeDdjeett Ic IcaDdD Ddjeett ett and IanSn IJ nIR Unr LInrsetMenni icnM JftIIIft r Jferhno JferhnoG relUoGG V cU U an awl l > lSa SurJtorton deron Western WNf MUnknA b lrhad 1aDIL Thac ThacVictory Ibcvn Thacscsc ad2s vn IJ1bt IJ1btyctor mtnalea mtnaleaVIctoryyctor Victory for or Norfolk orfolli Academy AcademySpecial cttJcJU cttJcJUSpedaJ cdtIus cdtIusSpecialSpecial to JIM WeltinrtCQ wa Wnston HtfakJ HtfakJNorfplji IIq11lcjNotfUI HC4aIJoruIJeNorfplji NotfUI oruIJe Va Oct 27 tThe The strong Nor Norfolk rorf Norfolk folk f tk Academy A dPDele eleven n defeated der at the t tmQridConee tieli tielimohd 11eIIniOadCollegemohd mQridConee College second team here thi this after afternoon aftermacow noon nOOK by the th theskort StQre ore of C Ij i to making u ouchdown the th second 5eeom eond halt from whifh hiill a g g1a1 l wa wakicked wakl was waskiked Ikicked kl kedIBIrvmlnKdalc nlil1l TJe T pf Score ScoreThe SeortThe eor eorThThe Th Bloomingdale BlrJO ngdal Athletic thletlc Club Clu and andthe andththe th Second S ecoi 1nd Mount Iount Pleasant rl asant football footballteams footballte3tn5 footballte3ms Jteams played pJ y an exciting game at Mc McDtitts McTjtts Ic IcDtittsDtitts Field last I t evening and when whendarkness whendink whenddarkness dink d rkncs ti s made m ld further pti pl P13Y > impossible impossiblethe 1mPO5ibICthethe score zcu Has Wa aJi a tit i tu i j 1TIPEM TIGERS lluMo TTPlf LM LICK MR IMrmiL IMrmiLPrinceton CORNELL CORNELLPrinceton CORLLPriiicetoii NET TPrinceton Outplayed Ont layel > by Itli Itliacaiis Ithacal1 itliacamsacaiis i in First Fi1 st Half HalfENDURANCE HalfNDURA1iOE lla11DNDURANCEENDURANCE DECIDEP RESULT RESULTFourteen RESLTtouttcen RESULTlouttcenFourteen fQ Quarter QUJlrterDnck Back Dillon DIlJ it Iut Ont Outot Outotthe of ofthe oflimethe Game for O Vxliiff Ilufllanly Jlu lanJ Time Tnctics TimeiicnMCortuich rnrHClJItics HClJI iicnMCortuich JIcCorituick Cortnle Iw a Tower ftf ftfSlrciiKlh ftSfreuJth tfSlregthSlrciiKlh to t the Winning Vlllnln Ifilcvpii IfilcvpiiNew JClcunNew lileeuuIewNew York Oct 27 1In In as pretty a game pmeas gameas amea as has ever ev r been seen on a gridiron grtcllronPrinceton gridironPrinceton gridironPrincetonPrinceton defeated Cornell at at tne Polo PoloGrounds PoloGround PoloGroundsGrounds this tbl afternoon by the score of ord ofId14 to f L Abounding In spectacular plays playsthat p1a1llthat playsthatthat at times fakly raised the tJa hall of th thHpactators tM tMlJ theSpoctatorsHpactators lJ CtatGr the OO contest t8 proved our thing thingbeyond tilIngd thingbeyondbeyond d all doubt doubtthe th wisdom 18dom of the thectautgre tbec thechangeschanges c made m de in the rules wb4ch b ue uegtYfD haregiven vegiven the t be snorting world practically a new newgame DeWme newgmegame me It also demonstrated the poMfbili poMfbilities pondbtflties fII fIItiesties of o the open style of play when K ahaJI ahaJIliave ebJI ebJIhave aaUIaavehave been brought to a higher stage of ofperfection orperfection ofperfectionperfection an accomplMiin eoompliRmeal ot wMchr 11 It is isunreasonable IsWtreaBOllAb1e Isunreasonableunreasonable to expect a single season euIon of ofpractice ofUee ofpracticepractice Uee will make poiwioUv poiwioUvThe poaslbhThe bIf bIfTIleThe score of of f14 14 to about represent repceIIeISthe representsthe representthethe strength tr of the two teams and the thescore Oleeon thescorescore by halves balv too too shows well n the differ difference difference differestee ence in the endurance of the contestants eoatetltantsInIn the first half Cornell clearly cleaIIyjtpiayed cleaIIyjtpiayedPrinceton outplayed putplyedPrinceton outplayedPrincetonPrinceton in all departments of the game gameexcept pmeexcept gameexceptexcept panting putl Harlan with his loots looKJo longlowlow Jo punt ovtkteklng WoUker Waid r and Me MeCuieheon lf lfCucMon McCuteheonCuieheon Although CorneUs omtII play w wthe was wafthe wasthethe stronger Princeton P eton s display y of skill skillIn skillIn klll klllInIn executing trick and open plays and andWaWers andVaJders andWai4IersWaWers poor attempt at a goal Ileft left the tbescore tIae8COIe theacorescore standing MaDdiD atandingPrlneeton Princeton I Cornell C C mell mellrJcrH rnlITigers i iTlgerHTigers Strike Their Gait Gaitla GaltIn CnitInIn the second eecoOd half the Tigers struck IIIVCktbelrreal utteucktheirtheir tbelrreal real gait and a played Cornell nearly nearlyoflC nearlyotf rly rlyoiloil her 1t r feet f t Several times Princeton Prlneetonwithin was waswithin wanwithinwithin striking fftrfkin distance of Cornolls line linebut Hnebut finebutbut a fumble or foul play lost her the theba toobeba 1 n A ground rule adopted for the same sameVS gamegun am amgavegave gun VS Princeton two points to which wMcnunder wJatcbUDder whichunderI under straht bt rules she ws wan not entitled entitledThis entitledTbiII entitledThisThis rule provided that If the tbe ball 11 should shouldgo aboaldP shouldgogo behind the goal line on a blocked bl kick kickIt kJckIf kickitIt should count as a safety no matter matterwhich mattelwbleh matterwhichwhich side secured aect the balL Princeton ex exe extfd cxecede tfd One 0 display play of unsportsmanlike conduct conductooenrred cooctUctocetJ11etI cond et etoccurredoccurred to mark a game which other otherwise otberhie otherwisejwise hie was remarkably free from slug sluaStn slugghsg 10 10or 25yard ysrd line and Walder tried Tied a agoal apol agoalgoal from placement ment which bJeb went a little littlewIM HUIewild littleWH4wild wildCJmnJChant Cbanges in Second Half HalfiHiring 1I1lfDuriDs halfDuringDuring the second half several I change changewere ciIaDstewue changewerewere made m dc In the lineup of both teams teamsMcCntcbeon teIuaaCQ teamsMcCueaconMcCntcbeon CQ eoa replaced Walder at ft twJI vU back backfor beckr buckfurfor r Cornell and later l ter gave way to Say Saylor Saylor Sayloilor Watson relieved v Babcock Da BRbCQCk t at a left leftend I Iei4 Ct Cteftdend ei4 Cass Ca for Princeton took the place placeof pIa pIaoC placeofof Miller IK and Tenney relieved ed K L Dillon DUfonwho DIJIonwho Dillonwhowho went out for slugging slaggingPrinceton slugicgP sluggingPriDeetosiPrinceton P OIl started start right bt in to make maketroubki mak maktrouble maletroubletrouble for her lighter 11bt opponent The TheTigers TheI18UIJ ThergernTigers got the ball on Corn Cona ws Xyard Xyardline Ityardline yard yardIDeline A beautiful forward pass Harian HariantoWteter 1i 1ito liazIantotoWteter to Winter netted neU 35 yards anl McCormtek McCormtektore Mc Mc ormkk ormkktore ornmlck ornmlcktoretore great t holes in the Ithacans fine and andwent andwent andwentwent over after a few f rushes rulhs for the tbesecond tlMeeo thesecondsecond touchdown toucbdo Cooq C Cooqej y kicked the thegoal theL thePrincetOD thegoaLgoal goalPrinceton goaLPrinceton LPrinceton when she got the t bait after afterthe aftfftho afterthethe kickoff went after Cornell hard Mc McCormtek MeCmrn1ck r rCor1Cormtek on one run run broke through tbro the theHne theline theIlnieline and and ran for nearly rI 4V yards before beforecemittg beforecagdown beforecunkacemittg cagdown cunka down wader r half the Cornell team teamTwo teamTwo teamTwoTwo rushes and a fake play playnuTJect curried the theball t tII theballball II to the l 1yam yard line > There re th thIthacaoa tJtItbaawIB the thelthgcaaaiIthacaoa held and Marian fell t u back backfor backfor backforfor a dropkick A A Cornell tuna toncbel toncbelthe l ueMthe uchel uchelthethe hall 11 spoiling trie t te play although the theptgckln t tptpklft thepigskInpigskIn passed puHdsquarel squarely between belK eit the thep goal goalposts gus guspoetsposts Cornell saved the ball ball bat under underthe UIKIerUe underthethe S ground rate Princeton Prl Oft was credited creditedwith creditedwith 1tM 1tMwithwith two potnta making hcraeer her aNn score 14E 14 14Heavy 14HeavyHeavy E vy penalties of Princeton Pri gave Cor Cornell rDeII Cornell nell the ball later on the Tigers 15yard 15yardline 15JWdlaM yalc1 yalc1hiheline Jamison dropped back t or r a try at ata eta ataa goal l kirk A poor paw pa spoiled bte btechance WSchame blechancechance and undJIIr Wltowise wise Cornells Cornelic ohltnce to toscore toorMcscore 8C0J1 again Q n Princeton P rI ton recovered reeo er Jh be e 3 ha haand bai bainsaand caryieil it down ck wn the he nel fte by bymanes b hard hardrushesrushes manes holding OOkltn it until the whJstfc whJstfcsounded whist whJstsouqded whistsoundedsounded Several times previously Prince Princeton Prl FrlD FrlDton C CtOil ton had worked thf tb bull within Cornells Cornells35yard Cornel Cornel3yanl Corudl2iyarl35yard line but misplays or or1oum route ctiueed ctiueedher onuajher ed edherher to lose the meats Uc The Th Cornell CQrndlrhThe rh Iimnp IimnpIVinceton Ii LinenpIrleceton n en I IJriRletOllIVinceton PuHtow imltloeeeaihisbooct Ooraril OorarilWhter dri1tIterWhter tIter Jet end eaihisbooct Itaboocfc IIcocStaD Watmi WatmiHUnnanl Vatau VatautmidAafttaD tmidAaft MR tad taddCoot Ineis IneisH Co k1 n H Dillon DinoaHerriof Ml sand gaaShoning Thg mi miHUnnanlhoning nrtbt ronte rontenaM =rtbt risbt ystxrA naM naMtackle O oC Itautte ItautterightC right tackk Ilrtetca Ilrtetcari nnt1f ri fct rod Van 0 Omni Omnikft n nFkE Fk Dillon T TlUrtau Tenney 4tUrtft bIekl back backilaSsbitlUrtau IIa ilaSsbit kft bait WeK lecl leclMmcc 11 awrfe awrferight rIe3 Mmcc Vr Ow Cauri right half tet bktoo beek beekMVvoitIufl QtfeMn QtfeMntiHJ MVvoitIufl tiH brkW baclrWaJdao kfcr McCotrtMm McCotrtMmE McL MccutMcL5a1Or5a1Or 5a1OrT Ss1OcTaahT Taah mrs BIICannict MeCmnlt w Welder GoIIIttc oonr oonrSafe 1 1Saret1 Safety Safe under tnuud raieft mll nhiewPriweton Prfcton 1 Jtrf JtrfmtWriektineUw Jrc1 11cCruecWsIsbttea1IrundmtWriektineUw tmJt ruecWsIsbttea1Irund tl1anucL Ilanaid UamovMtods 1enn 1ennariwaik lennarimishariwaik LhnaauB I LboaasiDr JDr Pr 9ta HIftdn tfrr PaaM rof Punlvam trantaTfcm Te of haJrwTblrty ininhn tul amteaIcndnll Cadciw AVant finmcs finmcsTh GamcTheITh Fendall t Cad CatIts 2IJ ts of Georgetown Georgetownwould Gf Georgetownwould tb toWn I Iwouldwould Hk to to me meet t the best bestbasketbali f t lightweight lightweightbaskotlwll IIgbt1Ihtbisktballbaskotlwll learn in Washington Washi Washingtoneriiclc ttofl Tt Ttcrack Tltf Tltfcrnclcrack crncl l afPO4 pound learn t D1 yfih ttQ r antf n L I pr prferred prerred r rfrerred fr Address Mr DfuJnmbrtd manager manager27J3 m nager nager1l27J3 1l M strt Atr trEi > t ndrthwe n nOrthwett rthW t Lineup ICean ICeanrlht t 1sne 1sneright > U1 U1rightright forNvard 1 rwni pvirmi MeHale 1fJ hI left I t YofW1lrtJ forward Aili AiliTOH Aliiron Alll Alllroeron centrr t r SeUcj teIics 1k risht bad b > k Dixon DixonK Dixon1t DixonkItK 1t > f t bavk bavkFourth ookI bakionrliuFourth I urth Clans Midihipnien n Ucatcii UcatciiAnnapolis nt llcatcnThe tcn tcntt The WeetilonJjIM WeetilonJjIMAnnapolis IJ IJAnnapoUsAnnapolis Jrld Id icL Of O t f 2i iThe8tons iThe8tonsI 7The The Catons CatonsvlUfe CatonsvWhvlUfe I Country elub of Baltimore deft deftott dffisited tt ttcded the eleven of Plebes PI ehti or Fourth Fourthriuss Fourthnus Fourthlassriuss lass Mid5hipm Iid hlpm B at football footballto today to1d to1dto 5 5toto II IPrinceton lr llcctol1 Frcfflimen ITin ITinlyracuee WIsiSyracuee In InSjracUEtlyracuee N Y Oct O OttFreshmen t 7 Prinwt Prln f m mFrtsbmen > n nFreshmenFreshmen defeated def t the Syrscus SYn Syracusmen Cu Frcsh Frcshraen F h hmenmen today todCi 6 to to 0 Princeton touch toucl1clown toicimtiowndown was wa > seorcJ orcJ n the th last five fiv minutes minutesof mluuteiaf miaitcteufof plaj p13INORTH CAROIINA OAItOLIWA 0 V P L I 0 0Moth OlIotll 0llotltMoth Tennis Team Pat Vl p a Poor Gnjne Gnjneand cnca n nCl nClandand a 1541 Crowd Was Va VnM Disappointed DisappointedSjrctal DbappolntedSpodal DinppolntedSpclalSjrctal to Tb 1he WiiigtOl Herald lImkLRichmond HeraldRichmond HenkLRichmondRichmond Vs Oct lNcltbfor Neither UM UMVirginia tJtVIrginia theVIrgIniaVirginia Polytechnic 1oly hntc Institute nor the theUniversity UleUnfnr theUniversityUniversity Unfnr lty of North NorthCaroI1nu Carolina was aWe ahlot aWet ahiatnt t tn seore in the game here her this after afternoon afterPoon ttH ttHBothnoon Both team showed np rather ratherweak rath ratherweak r rwweak w ak and the game on the whole was wasrather v vrather wasratherrather a as disappointment to the Ul 4 peo people peopie p ppie pie who witnessed ttnoseed it Carolina evidently evidentlyhad evidentlyhod tdeUy tdeUyMdhad the stronger tron r tenm The game was wasplayed wasplayed as asplayedplayed in Virgitttes territory territGr all the Urn UrnS UmSeveral time timeSsvogalS Several vorl times Oroltna lad good chances chancesto ehscento Mn Mntoto score s ore but the team t m did not seem to tohave tona tohavehave na enough confidence in themselves themselvst tbQt IfoS IfoStot to take advantage of their opportunities opportunitiesNutter opportunltlPJeNutter opportunities2utterNutter played well pll for Virginia but be hewas beI bewaswas taken out toward the end on ac account acrount account I count of fatigue The open play nvt nvtwith J11Ititll mtwithwith itll the approval of the spectators fo1 tnlo who whocould woocould whocouldcould watch the bull all the time timeThe ttm thucTheI The forward pose pn was Vla j fully several time by both teams teamsBtacksburg teamBlaek teamsBktcksburgBtacksburg Blaek burr was wn forced to kick in several severalInstances setralIlItJtancoes severalinstnemesInstances and gtv up the ball because becauseof b becauseof of her inability lnabtlll to make gains ins The TheBlackHburg TheBlackibult TheBlacksburgBlackHburg line was a 88 steady stead V as 8 a wal walbwt walwt walbutbut wt Ute North Carolina rolina ends end were w re fast fastIn ra fastIn t tInIn circling ctr 1lng pIp A feature of th the 5 game gamewa gttllttthe gamewanwa the preMiu pr ft out n the field of a num number number nounher ber of loyal THacksburg 1JIak urg women who whoj whorootec1 whorootedj rooted faithfully for their favorites There Therewas Thereall Therewaswas all a large number of people pI from erOm Caro Carolina Carolina CareIhia lina prceent prceentVIRGINIA prt preecostVIRGINIA Jtt JttVIRGINIA angle which won the game as neither neithereleven ne thr threJeveaI eleven could score afterward ith Yth 1thflCP 1thflCPthe > ut utthe nrh nrhthethe ball was wa carried across the field 1k 1d and andtoet andlost andlostlost near the goal en a fumble Roanoke Roanokewas RoanokeItaI was Ita much lighter than their opponents opponentsCadet OppoDentsCaCIeta opponentaCadetsCadet Maasie 1amm AMIe and Nicbolte and Col Collegians Colp ColpJestans Colleg4ans legians Bowers Dow r and Harwbargr Ha were Wt1eMancManc alarCHICAGOS EASY VICTORY VICTORYIndJnllu VICTORYindluuegeIndiana Played AVell eU in ii First Half Halfbut Utlflut Thai Thaibutbut lut Weakened cnlened in Xe3t Xe3tCWea60 ext eslChtango extchiesgoChtango Oct 27 27The The Tb University lniVendt lniVendtCb of ofChtonRo ofChkiiuChtonRo Cb defeated Indiana University l ntverait on onUie ontile onthetile grfcttron at Marshall Flew this thisternoon af afternoon aftt ternoon by a score of oftz 33 3 to 4 The TheHoeaiers TheHooeIen TIme1looaiersHoeaiers proved quite a strong opposi opposition oppollttlolL opposiiIos tion The butter were outclassed oIltc UllJdn UllJdnwetg1at in inweight thweightweight hut made up for the disadvLc disadvLctag dlsadac dlsadacte disadvactagetag te by It their superior speed111d lisdinpa India held Us rivals almost even en inthe t first half by Hares brilliant kick kicking kickIn kicklug lug In Ia m which lie decidedly Mcldedl outshone ou bone Eok Eokersallersall the Chicago star The half ended endedwith endedAitta endedwithwith a score of 10 1 to 4 In Chicagos favorIn the second half Chicago had every thing t it its own ow way making three fb touch touchmIosa downs do Indiana scored her points on a agoal apool agoalgoal from the field fieldMOTES ilf flewV1IITES wMOTES LOSE LO SETO TO ST ST JOHNS JOHNSKendall JOHNSKendallKendall Green Team Slightly Out Outolassed Outolassedolassed by the Collegians CollegiansAminpnlift CollegiansitnmmapollsAminpnlift Klevcn lccn WaK nM Confident of ofAVinnin ofWinniuigJyAVinnin WinniuigJy Innfngh f liy n Iarge Margin and andWnj lndI lndna andVasIWnj Vas na Sarpriflcd nt nt16 niow Loiv 11SCprc 11SCprcto Scprc ScprcSaMMl SepreSSaMMl S U to > The V VAiuwpnlfer yAJmapolfe Urmil UrmilAnnspolfrAiuwpnlfer Ml MLO Oct t S lSt 9L Joiua j John CAM Collesj CoI CoIJep CAMlegaJep lesj of Aaulaal Aampoi and G Gntbadst Bw0d t College Collegeof Cogeofof Wa WaaatailtlJtoa hh ton ptejreda played a seesaw w game gameon gameon i iORon SL Johns JoIm Held deidtlsis this nwrainc the t local locUia localtautuUon localiaqtitiitiontautuUon ia titotion finally luau whtriin winning tn l out by th thscore tbore thecorescore f i 16 to U The two teams t m were werenearly werenearlynearly evenly matched matchedSt matchedill t 1Md 1MdsSt John Johns s wa w was confident of winning wmnia ih ihawme thgame hgame by a good margin and aDd the t team teamstarted teamnartM Leninstartedstarted right bt IB and bad one touchdown touchdowntwo touchdowntWo touchdowntwotwo tWo minutes 1nows after play had been started strtdC startsLiudlaaetyed startedUodiswnyedUodiswnyed C JI however the mutes piug pIu plugged pluggedalong cd cdafomj l la10qalong and when wbelttJIe the first half which vhlchlasted whichhastelasted J stewl twentyflve twtnt lIve minutes was over th thyore the thestood thecoreyore core stood Gallandet 11 SL St Johns JollI JohnnBoth s 6 6Both 6 6BothBoth teams t aJ played td an even stronger strongergnrae stron stmngerPfll gnrae m III tbf th second half Gallatodet es especiany eS eSee espeeiaHypeciany ee ny ap the UIeks bucks circling ele St St Johns Johnsdsoat JohnsfoIIdlOltlleeral a aOdSOtmfoIIdlOltlleeral dsoat several occasions flaw t r large gains gainsSt gainsSt gaInsStSt Johns J iurs too did some good work and andsaJnrd AdlnttI andgafiwsaJnrd ground consistently 00 lb by star plays plysbut playsbut playsbutbut the visitors vi t twice rallied in the sec second secORd seeon ond on half when their goal line was en endangered eft eftaaad endangered dangered and recovered rtoCO ered toe ball on ondowny onA ondowflsdowny A A thIrd time tin they also held heldstrong heldlOn heldstrongstrong lOn on their yard n markJlIId markandcapt markandcaptStevens uk jandCi Capt CaptSUlwntco > t tStevensStevens SUlwntco of St Johns IcielMd k IIwd > a pretty prettygoal prettyl prettygelgoal l from placement pIH t from from tlj ue tie y yoxd yoxdline ynrdline Drd Drdlmeline Today was Stevens Ste s first appear appearunco appearunco l lUDtOunco in the ute game gA for two weeks owing owingtoto a fTained ankle One of the visitors visitorstouchdowns visitortouchdowns 1sIt0r8tOiKIMIOWMWBStouchdowns tOiKIMIOWMWBS was bard earned They TJt > y re recovered re recove reball covered cove Ihe ball in midftold after a kick kickand kickaDcr kickaudand aDcr worked ii Readily down the field St StJonas StJobs StiohasJonas made a a strong stand when the ball ballwe baJl1n ballweewe wee but but ene en foot from from from the four our downs to shove hove ft ovec Mosey Moeeymade Moseymade osey oseyJUIdemade Ue scftr scOrI s on no i dvc flv tb through h St StJeans St StrlglJi StJelIsJeans JelIs right ht tackle tackkFcr t eid eidFcr tackleFcrFcr St Johns tie work of Bordley BordleyRubl Bordleyb BentleyR3ibIRubl R3ibI b and WarHeW W kl in carrying ilr the theb8Jl baJl baJlaid ba11aid3 aid 1d the tackUnir tackK of Brady tvas ss good goodQithnfey goodQstpiby d dPJQQithnfey pteyed PJQ hs bIsueua1st hJsueual ueual stmugdefesslv stmugdefesslvgame strons defensive defensiveODonnell eMSIv eMSIvpttnfgame End ruiJs rwjs by M Mfitey SnkhIn SnkhInffDonnell kJJn kJJnTDonneUODonnell of Gallaudettf play playStJote pis pisSt playStStJote StJoteBoater St St J Jctas > I leeidon GaHauset GaHausetCJwrtl a aBoIII GallandsunlayBoater Itewttf Itewttfwrnn Wt end endflwynnkit 11 11i 11AruoIdflwynnkit wrnn wrnnClait feft tackle tackleClait taIenardIaactsonClait ClaitArtxM left = pumi pumiArtxM nardIaactson nardIaactsontnso4d iArtxM ccster ccsterJoawft Bell BellJones JI JIBorJones right pierS strtrfIlreiy pierSend CJwrtl CJwrtlaSaaUto= =Ilreiy rajht end endKordtey endReedierqnsrter aSaaUto aSaaUtoOiKordtey Reedierqnsrter mrt er r back backWrtkW hekWarfieWWt k Oi OlJOII > oao4l oao4lKtrtzfet fIlwwWtwwWt WrtkW Wl half It bark barkJ lwkKllbJeb lwkKllbJebobllQ backobpaa Ktrtzfet KtrtzfetJtoeeyJ obllQ WTCM RdW n Itahirlt riKkt hf lack lackStooe backMoee Jtoeey Hewy HewyTaadadoraBnMiar lfDrStntIas lIeer lIeerStoneStone Magroder and andStertns sadStevensfuSStertns StevensfuS fuM bark barkUJ bertTOadsdOWUaBTadY tDCierbilI tDCierbilITTaadadoraBnMiar T tkMr 4 d Sfcanklia and MOM MOMOc 11 MOsey MOseyele >Oc 0 ele bi tram tocchJmriM Ioc oLdaleafl4aley Bealey 2 I sad OD O ODonnell ODonnellGeel MIL MILn lGeel n al 1 fKM pIIII pteeiwsBtStPvem serntStevree IIM ItM lefacMr 1trl tlr Mr MrTin Mdvim Iri IritinTin cf 3Jo S Jo Jolgas m r Imipir ta4mrMr Mr E Erjrkaoa rfcao nf Gal OalUodH 01laudrt GalIaidiUodH HcaH llem limiiiiaii ileemuoiMr Sir AV Mbudeeee eorg JdlnLtnul JcJinS Lh Lhuua ettlr > wweHJlr ejlIr HaiT J frs r Cansodet Callatllletnc1 Callatllletnc1dd ami amiCadet mu4CadetCadet dd Melrtirtor MeItttrfaritJ feffllrl c J SJHIVS I msrThuee Tb J1nIeCIC eef bairn bshr4n sad aadwrnn sado 1Id 1IdDD o JFln1t alnuteLrlligh UJ If li t tJI J1 sz 0lethkh 1 ethlhrn m Pa P Oct T iLeblgh ehlgti ran ranaway ranaW8 ramawayaway aW8 with th Fraaklln Fra klI and Marshall I b J1 to today tO tOdB today day dB Th L Lapcattr1atis nc5tprlad8 ti rJads wore Qre outclass outclassedrd d in every Ieri respect r TPC p and andLebJgh m d Lealgh Lehighkept was wasi vras vraskppli kept busy pilh Pt11tltp up touchdowns t tO tlO ohowns OW The Thefuorv Tb TbIio Thsoresore Iio was w 3S to 0 0 The touchdown were w weremode re reJI1utpj made by b Meicei Met iJ 1 Troutman Aman Amanj Am AmtiiSphrs ri riSRij SRi Sphrs > BiQn Treat TrcatSple Spiers Sple s Kicked tle lciek 4d d two twoand gosrts gosrtsI gEJIhandI and Anian one Spiers nltra made u 78yard 78yardrun ilyardrun yard yardrunrun for one of oftho tbo touchdf lo tobckdowns clidow > WBHiind an and Tfeat TfeatmaJr T Tettmnedr t tnmaJr n Jr another r to touclniown chdovni I oli from Dm the kkK kkKoff hick kfckVlijtr hickogoff ogft PVlijtr 111 ft Ic ttc ir Cs nu nlJ S Special I t to IM iasi4ntu a 111814 111814Antlpol herald heraldMmnspoiiAnnapolUk MIL 116 Q OfeL t TDr Dr Harry HarryWhJt I lriyWJ cry cryWlteWhJt WJ 1 formerly forr of Georgetown aeofpt W1l and AJ uid t the thosouthpaw thq thqouthp3w theouthpawsouthpaw of ol the th rhlc higQ hiesgoogue 50 AnTican AnTicanl r tkan I Igutl eague gut bswball teftui ten who itolttcbffi pitched the thet then thewat wa nnhts n rn g game me fer C th the While Whll Sox in the theworlds thcV theworIdsworlds V rlds champkiafihip 2orl eoris erl ra iago a o Nationals Nattona was weetn 88 in Annapolis AlJJapo tedeyi tedeyi4nd UidQnd t6de t6detnd4nd nd saw the lie 1h NarJBuckftplt Na Bucknc > Jl football footballgams footballgame o tbhll tbhllamgame am H lje r r 9evad evod Jd an ovetion from f ir ln the tliebrigade t11ebrigade thebrJgadebrigade of o f mdsiipmeiiWhito mdsh1pqtel1 Wli Whlt ItCOUCIIed ItCOUCIIedthe coached coachedthe chcd chcdthgthe Middy nine nln last spring pringLLJI FACTS FACTSlIk l years lot b bII 11 u o Salem tIeMbIra year jearirtj yearIIIIII i urasa1 sjmpeemaOs1 ra aid 114 114l csas csasll l Itt I Ji1i tI tIit> i S y k Ihl r r rI iK dTI 1 It iLL JLtti iLLLit ti II 1 d drdL rd t QU UIItj1iS 10 S SITFzFfiavl tl tlIdId II I IfITFzFfiavl f irtj 5 Jr 5 nfi r c I 1 1otn I IkVlWekctkVlWekct ohMrt otnt I I K KDownLiiMt r rThe l d dblt111 r u urr rr rrSllchSllch Sllchf7rtf7rt beatthe br3r III HI a 1 1k 1kThe > 5The BieberKaufman ieer4aufrnaCoCoonby Co CoDownDown Coonby by the navy nJYyYaM1 Yard901909 Eighth Street S E EAUSP8CE8 EMEETiNGSr rMEE1SMEETiNGS FOR MEN MENSunday MENSundaySunday October 28 28AUSPICES 28AUSPICESAUSPICES Yj V 5VL M MC C A ATUB AfIlIi AFhhhmTUB CLIM LUll MBETIXO MBETIXOV I IYY 31 U C l A t GVJIXASIU3I GVJIXASIU3Iireire ItODISKT f t FRBB31AN linflalo linflaloI JJufrnlot JJufrnlot1rir hiultalo14itI 1rir rir > l b Isk te OnarVtte OnarVtteAcx1fctKm ottt1xirhotJ QartttttnuriatmonAcx1fctKm 1xirhotJXACOSTIA Orrbcstn OrrbcstnAAACOSTIA Oretwatma4ttCOSTlAAAACOSTIA M 1 IS I CHURCH 8 P PJ PJIIp 31 31A MA Speaker SpeakerXORTHBAST SpeakerORThhi5tST l lIORTUESTIORTUEST XORTHBAST TB3IPLB TB3IPLBKTH TEJnLJ2TH TISMILll12THKTH J2TH AND A D H STS Xx XKC Xxc XXCC K F STUART Richmond Spenkcr SpenkcrIOTOMAr Speak Spenlecrt SpenlecrtIOroldtr r rlOTI1IOTOMAr MALE MALEEXCURSIONSI QCARTETTiV QCARTETTiVANOTHER Ql KTETIS KTETISEXCURSlOfEXCURSlOf EXCURSIONSIANOThER S SANOTHERANOTHER ANOTHERGREATER ANOTHEROYSTER ANOThERYsTEOYSTER YsTE ROAST ROASTBYBY BYGREATERGREATER WASHINGTON WASHINGTONPLEASURE ViASHINCTONPLEASURE WASHINtTOFIPLEASUREPLEASURE CLUB CLUaTT TCI1ESAPEAKE EPEKE BEACH BEACHSundaY9 ACH ACHSuay5jSundaY9 October 28 28GG W P C ORCHESTRA OPeCHESTRACity ORCHESTRAI ORCHESTRACityI City and Country Dances DancesIn DancesCasinoIn Casino Ball Room RoomDAKCING RoomDANCNG RoomDANcNciDAKCING FREE FREEFamous FREEFamous FREEFamousFamous Chesapeake Bay Oysters OystersAH OystersAll OystersAllAll You Can EatFREE EatFRSEYu EatFREE50C EatFREE5OCOPiPLLPi50C 5OCOPiPLLPi 5OCOPiPLLPiI R iJ fp 50c 50cItYu I o iVsjpcake It lmeale arak BaeJj iV ci R RTicket JtTidtet Jy JyTiekeimTicket lit t Itktrict l lIi l UK itatkai itatkaiTrains tatka tatkaTratac ioDTrains here Distrin Liar Li at U 1515 a L at sad ISi ISip 1 1Po IIIpp Po IB Iteturabn tdVl11 lteturnbm ea TC the Beech at tM sad Tsl TslSirio rllp rllSirial T Tpp p a aShioiSirio Order M tIli Bt aiaiaaiidLaSes Maiaiailidla ies iRiffed iRiffedonoiK I i11ed i11edNOrf iiedT001kNOrf T001k onoiK 4 Steamboat Company CompanyKvtry ornpan ornpanSS Kvtry En ry day iu ttac Jt rear rar J lI mot x > t u tAfor i ifoe mm M Mforfor tort Muijde orzoc Nonoik 6Itotk > i iall ctqltil a1ae cwa cwa1J tws aaS aaSall= all points moth = o > ttb by tne superb 1J 1Jpd lperb potMatI ooutni atari ataripatace steelpalacepalace ftcaarri Newport rejmct Sewa NcaMW NcaMWpd rpd Wasbingtoo WasbingtooLrLr W Voningue Vaaainst n ujv NmLr w mtr m rort rortLT iortatb 5 5LY pW pWLvLT Alesandm7a Aiani T paU It a 1 Lv 1aiuanI 1aiuanIts Noitou OI1U1 OI1U1r Jtmfm JtmfmAnAn ts r J Jtort rt JliMM sunioeIm UDIGe1 e7M 7a Ur a > at atArAr r Karfata Nedsat a r Uaalt 1 n n1r1 l mtonth43taa b > a tz tzJoiJoi 5 j ousam yu4eDAm C Ma a aWJUa at 5i 5iwanwan ate ners it fit ct0II1 Oat DoiJiiun uD Steaaswirthv Steaaswirthvfor Stcam u alateefor Sew en Ytk Y Ym and Mercuaau Meraaaz AM AMitrtiaaairn dQma asaimrnitrtiaaairn fer 1t KMoa KMoaC7ror anon anonturan= C7ror tnrtbrr aaunaatwo appir app M Mtirtwt gaeat gaeatUettirtwt oflfce iCx TO l 11 th It TvSarada TvSaradateJevboM Cnt CntttleioneteJevboM Mite 11 3 m h or nb at atttricpboM IlL IlL1bm dth4ettricpboM Main Main3NO MiinThu 10 10JMJ3NO CaUuAHJkN t1 AJU M d v l res w and GaL UcaW GaLY Mgi MgiwW Ii CALLA11AN Gen Iaa 1 IaaaAgt 2 Aet54825 485 TO CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIAViaVia vi ja UASrilNoroN ArH rfJ oiAbJ r KOcTK ROtTKoS Kaw Kawion grmonmon ion Slet S Siertsmtf Mttr Carp Cr WnJKWt ttllOUt CUanse Clisnra1ejmahli anrnPtnonall cenilurt i J times i eeij ca13arKIll lStkl arKIll arKIllAbe 11 11AIAI Abe b htha + trdard LqGlpmcn Dmug IDIDI arI arIThmercatu l laUJ1Thmercatu ThmercatuA aUJ1 ri riAA A J 1 IUSTt 1TIN N i il m l Agt 11 t 511 13 > are ira iraTOTVERNO nr nrSTEAMtR I ITOTO TOTVERNO TOTVERNOSTEtilIt MOUNT VERNON VERNONSTlSTEAMtR STl IR HARLKS MACALESTER MACALESTERDaily MtItLESTELPath 1jLESTEILDailyDaily 10 a a e aLl A 1 1 m t tU5d3 > U8dan ETAOST FA p R E ROUNDTRIP 5 Cft 0 ff rI4f MrCEi EXCUHSION TICKETS TCK S WWCThis WWC JtJCTo C CToTo Kensington XensingtonThiaThis trolley tO nd ilk meLon CARS IJAlJf UOtKLi tlMJl tSO CttE o C1tY C1tYCitiSB > Y YCHASS lClUSSCHASS LAKE LAKEGREAT LKECREAT LIKBSCRATFALLSGREAT CRATFALLS FALLS OF QFTKEPOTOMAC QFTKEPOTOMACfanuiifleiit THE POTOMAC POTOMACCroat POT MAC MACtrfanuiifleiit t 8ot Seni r rCrcatCroat Falls and Old Domlrvtcn DomlntonR311road DomlntonR311road35n1 Railroad Railroad36TH RailroadnTli I36TH AND Xl > 51 f STS S NW NWTraujfers NWTransfer W WTllIfenTransfer both wars wa with iti C CAta lI piU ta Traction Trait 1ioI1 1ioI1FOOTBALL oe Coaapaar CoaapaarTOOTBAIL CopaurFOOTBALLFOOTBALL AMONG CHINESE CHINESEColleeintc CHn CHINESECollegiate BSE BSECoUCollegiate CoU ginte Rules Dont Govern and andGnmc ti tiGame ft ftGameGame Lasts for Several Dnyg DnygFparn DuJ DuJfNM Da DaFrauFrau the Ite Sea FnaeJaao CU CUChinamen CdChtnuaen CallChhramenChinamen gre re pzteraUywith generally not ersjQted ersjQtedwith entdwithwith betoie b qttkk qulekto qulektoo to accept iDadDe iDadDeso liimnrjfitjinii liimnrjfitjiniisoso o that when it fe said aJdthat aJdthatCbIn2 that NeO IaSi IaSichina ou ouChinaChina boasts Of several v ral football tootboJJa toothailt toothailta 1 1aa good deal of surprise s will be e eYet eYet ersd ersdYetYet football is 1 no new game me among amoneik amoneikCeltsua the theCeRstials s sCekatlalsCeRstials at lean taatmg me those otunesa otunesawho of otWoidswho aIII twhowho inhabit Northern Cnlaa CbIaaaDd and baK b88In heshoen heshoenIn Mesi Mesiinin existence ten e a number t f years yearsOf 7aarOtC yearsOfOf OtC course Ur8e the game te net played playedaetty playedea playedeaaetly ex exactly actly according accor ding to intercollegiate hateec teRoq leglate te rpbjs rpbjsand rplpoudand alldtl ud a btaket btet or somethIng 8 methl which tools toolslike l lookslike o1ts o1tsJtkelike oae 811 replaces the th modem football footbstBTne footldThe footballTheThe CWaanen besides have ha no goato goatoand goiI gosisandand the prIiIInm xHMran is replaced by bystreete thestreets the thestreetstreet streets oC oft1lwa the tbttiwa towa m In which hlch the deadlr deadlrcombat deadlrcombat dcad1 dcad1combatcombat 1ft i wafted WI with 1dt fifty sturdy Col Coltialg Ct Cttla CelSe CelSetialstialg tla on a side sideThere sideThere sideThereThere Is not a man among them t m how however hoWefr boweverever who is not six feet f t high some c cthem f Cthem fthemthem arc three inches taller wblle wblleavetKge wblleaverage ijfe ijfeaverageaverage weight wtl men who form the team are inhabitants inhabitantsof IiI IiIofof Northern ortbErn China Chlnaand and arc rc typical t l of the tberace ttierace theracerace of giants produced prod eed in that part rt af afthe ofthe C Cthethe world worldLined WOrldLined srIdLinedLined up agatoft hem the ti knights tgbts tgbtsthe 4C 4Cthe litthethe gridiron of Pennsylvania or Han Harvard Harvardwould arfl arflwould l lwouldwould appear as a team of pygmies an4 an4the antithe an4thethe Chinese ChJ giants would ouJd give e the col collegians eellgIanslegians 1 taa a abattle battle roaI It they could could be in indue i1to i idueuddueud due d to appear on an American Am rkan football footballfieW footballnew footballfieldnew A dub With a collective oUecttv wcigut of ofJSKt mf2O r2000 JSKt pounds could carry everything b bfore b bre bffore f re reIt ft ftThe ftThe I ITheThe main idea in the Chinese game of offootball otf offoptballfootball f tlHtU as in i the American American Is to carry carrythe arnth carr carrthethe th wickerwork basket into the oppon opponents opponem opponen ents em en a end of the town and this is often oftendoie ottndo 0ftmmdoiedoie do e by b stealth ealth as well as by brute forr forrThere forrn foreThereThere n e are are no tweqtymlnyte halves haJ but buttli bLItthe11 the tli gome gtUftC gn se ta continued OJItiAuedr until one side std a acbmplJshes ac act andmplisbes r rdodUilt do The 11J It0contustants 1W > combatant are r re acattere scatterelovg I Iovep 1ovovep ov tie lewn 10 and ypc iieeatm fC oacli th provided wit witwjiiptle witw witwJiitmtieswjiiptle w iflUe5 whirh w i they tb Y blow bit In order ord r 1 tm tmbring 1 1bring Jbringbring assistance assistanceWhen 8t1S assistap assistapWhen 5ta 0 eWhenWhen a i scrImmage scr occurs llIfsthf th the > Chjna Chjnamen Cbnamtn Chjnsmenmen mtn si giv1 ytQt vt to their f fI1n feelings nngs tn n th thmost thpee thromost ro st pecgRar pee ar itb8 i1Ot nosea es s fre trfO1ltiv entlv s i c cwltfi cwithwith a delight lgbt Their v yslis lis 11 of o triumph triumphwhich tnumphwhI triumphwhichwhich whI h rfesotid sUdtrough sotud through the an when hen tnn tnnbjill rl1 rl1btl tebA4lbjill is discovered ar are likMi IiK1Ic1 J by one on who whoLWUJ wn wn1Wf wnohenrdLWUJ 1Wf board h rd them t nl to o tlu rlHlntive fIj tt cry ry f fa 1u faa pig that has been ft spear spe spemrd lrd iQ ins is gen genx1b rii > done 11 nitli itl the head headTlift Ja tadfhp beadFlueFlue only Qn1 onhprecaut1os precaution taken tBk n by them on onthe 011tbC eu euthethe feotlmll fiekl is Is for the I its itsCf prescnatlen prescnatlenCf pr rvattf111 rvattf111cfCf th thPfr thefrpgtallr Hr pigtails which ar cared afootor for af afthOOgh a atiough f fthoughthough they thfa wpr Were v > r worth fI tlK thou thousand > iu and > an tnj t tn1r ir r value auf throw caution cat caio on to the winds and dvot dvottherhielves r rthe rthethe1estherhielves the 1 e ves with W 1t11 all their tJi 1r strenjtli ait gtrengthtoth gtrengthtothplay ensth to tb tbplay he heplayplay

Hack De Metin 2.rar


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